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Curious How We Attack Negative Items On Your Report?
This video explains the processes we follow to clean up your credit reports.

What Items Can We Remove From Your Reports?

If you have bad credit, talking about it with others can be very intimidating and uncomfortable. Our team understands that you are more than just a 3 digit score. We all have experienced hard times and had to make difficult decisions, especially financially. We want you to know that no matter how many negative items are on your report, we have seen and dealt with them all before. We are here to help you clear the slate and start fresh on your new financial journey. Below is a list of common items we see every day that are affecting credit reports.

Additional information about TC3 Credit Solutions
Don't Have The Resources To Onboard With Us Today? We Have Resources For You.

We offer many Do It Yourself resources in our products section. They provide detailed step by step instruction on how you can start disputing negative items on your own time. It is hard and will be time consuming, but you can have success attacking negative items yourself!

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